Early Term 1
Three-Way Conference
End of Term 2
Written report:
- Progress, achievement and next steps in learning for:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Key Competencies
- Values & Attitudes
Term 3
Three -Way Conference
Term 4
Written report:
- Progress, achievement and next steps in learning for:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- Physical education & Health
- The Arts
- Key Competencies
- Value & Attitudes
Term 1 | Term 3 |
Main Foci:
To establish a productive relationship between the teacher and the parents.
To confirm the major learning goals for the first half of the year.
Agenda: Previous year’s written report revisited and all parties are reminded of the ‘Next steps in learning’ that are the student’s goals for the first half of the year.
Parent/Caregiver and Child Questionnaire shared and discussed. |
Main Focus To report and share information about student progress and achievement.
To confirm the major learning goals for the first second of the year.
Agenda: Mid year written report revisited and all parties are reminded of the ‘Next steps in learning’ that are the student’s goals for the second half of the year.
Student’s portfolio and other evidence of learning shared and discussed.
Three-Way Conferences
Johnsonville School uses three-way conferences to report to and share information with parents.
Three-way conferences take the form of a conversation between the student, their parents and their teacher. The teacher facilitates the discussion but it is expected that all three parties contribute. The student takes an active part in discussing where they are at with their learning and what their next steps will be.
This reporting process is consistent with the characteristics of effective pedagogy and assessment in the New Zealand Curriculum.
Three-way conferences align to the New Zealand Curriculum vision for young people as confident, connected, actively involved and lifelong learners, and also with the Key Competencies of managing self, relating to others, participating and contributing, thinking, and using languages, symbols and texts.
Three-way conferences are designed to:
- give students an opportunity to share with their parents their growth as a learner;
- encourage students to accept personal responsibility for their progress and achievement, and demonstrate a growing understanding of their development as independent learners;
- help students demonstrate evidence of learning by looking at and discussing a range of student’s work – in books, portfolio, as summarised in the written report;
- teach students the process of reflection and self-evaluation;
- facilitate the development of students’ organisational and oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence;
- encourage students, parent, and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue;
- increase parent understanding of their child’s learning. It strengthens communication channels with parents about student’s learning and progress by allowing parents to participate in the reporting process rather than merely responding to it;
- provide evidence to support twice yearly written reports.
Three-way conferences are 15 minutes long in duration and normally take place over two afternoons/evenings within the same week around the third week in Term 1 and in Term 3. Parents book conference times online via http://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ using the school’s unique ‘event code’. Parents without access to the Internet may ask the office to make a booking for them.
Three-way conferences for new entrants take place around the student’s six-week anniversary at school.